Saturday, August 8, 2009

9th August 2009

Day 1

This is what you do when you have too many photos and dont know what to do with them. These are all indigenous plants of Melbournes Western Basalt Plains Grasslands. Am thinking about posters, banners, signs etc for advertising field days etc. I just enjoyed making it.


  1. Great pics - what tool did you use to present them like this?
    Pleased to see you have started up. I will follow you along as it is nice to get some comments and feedback from people.

  2. Hi Dawn, Played around with Photoshop Elements. Made a layer of the lines and then open,cut, pasted,resized to fit into each diamond. Then trimmed, copied pasted and deleted the first copy. Sure there is a better way but am just playing with Photoshop. Am able to use the stamps to cut out shapes but really need to make a stamp in the shape I would like....
